Corporate Profile

Company name
Head Office
Oda Bldg. 3F
10-1 Nishi 3-Chome, Kita 9-Jo, Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0809 Japan
TEL +81(011) 738-6121 / FAX +81(011) 738-6122

Masaaki Sudo
April 1, 1993
Areas Of Business
  1. Customs Brokerage
  2. Combined Air, Sea And Land Transport
  3. Warehouse Brokerage And Related Services
  4. Trade Consulting
  5. Non-Life Insurance
  6. Transportation Business
  7. Other
Tomakomai Office
Daito Suehiro Bldg. 8F
6-15 Suehiro-Cho 3-Chome, Tomakomai, Hokkaido 053-0011 Japan
TEL +81(0144) 32-5611 / FAX +81(0144) 32-5618

Tokyo Office
No.38 Arai Bldg. 2F
7-1 Hamamatsu-Cho 2-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0013 Japan
TEL:(+82)2-771-3691 / FAX:(+82)2-771-3694
Seoul Liaison Office
Seoul Liaison Office
RM 702, Child Fund Bldg, 20, Mugyo-Ro, Jung-Gu, Seoul, R. OF KOREA
TEL:(+82)2-771-3691 / FAX:(+82)2-771-3694
Bangkok Liaison Office
Bangkok Liaison Office
1350/115-118 Thai Rong Tower 9th FL., Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 THAILAND
TEL:(+66)2-013-5716 / FAX:(+66)2-013-5720
20 (Executive Positions Excluded)




The blue ellipse, which represents Earth, Hokkaido, and progressiveness, emphasizes harmony among customers, partners, and within the company.
The "N" in orange representing passion inside the ellipse represents a leap forward and a bridge. The small ellipse symbolizes evolution, human dynamism, and humanity.
The entire symbol mark expresses strength, speed, and communication in logistics.

AEO Customs Broker

We were among the first to apply for accreditation under the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Customs Broker System introduced in April 2008, and were the ninth company in Japan to be accredited as an AEO customs broker. On April 17, 2009, we received a certificate from the Director of Hakodate Customs.

The AEO system is an internationally promoted initiative to both secure and facilitate international trade through a partnership between companies and Customs. The AEO Customs Broker System is a program to certify customs brokers that have a well-developed goods security management and compliance system.

By filing import declarations through our company, you can file your tax declaration after receiving the goods (in the following month). In addition, by filing export declarations through our company, you can receive special measures for customs clearance procedures, such as being able to file export declarations anywhere under certain conditions, resulting in shorter lead times and cost reductions for import and export goods.

AEO Customs Broker


Head Office

Oda Bldg. 3F
10-1 Nishi 3-Chome, Kita 9-Jo, Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0809 Japan

TEL +81(011) 738-6121 / FAX +81(011) 738-6122

Tomakomai Office

Daito Suehiro Bldg. 8F
6-15 Suehiro-Cho 3-Chome, Tomakomai, Hokkaido 053-0011 Japan

TEL +81(0144) 32-5611 / FAX +81(0144) 32-5618

Tokyo Office

No.38 Arai Bldg. 2F
7-1 Hamamatsu-Cho 2-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0013 Japan

TEL +81(03) 3431-8881 / FAX +81(03)3431-3113

Seoul Liaison Office

RM 702, Child Fund Bldg, 20, Mugyo-Ro, Jung-Gu, Seoul, R. OF KOREA

TEL:(+82)2-771-3691 / FAX:(+82)2-771-3694

Bangkok Liaison Office

1350/115-118 Thai Rong Tower 9th FL., Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 THAILAND

TEL:(+66)2-013-5716 / FAX:(+66)2-013-5720